5 Cool Web Stuff - Issue 1
New @CodePen experiment: Triangle Ninja! http://t.co/HogRc8Mhz4 made with @PaperJS of course. http://t.co/Lfdy52EJOm
— Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks) October 5, 2014 HTML Audio Player with Visualizer
On a related note (puns!), this jsbin is pretty cool: http://t.co/wnYy29JGXq #JavaScript
— Jason Blanchard (@About__Blank) October 3, 2014Visualization on "Finding the circumcenter of a triangle"
How do you find the circumcenter of a triangle? http://t.co/uz5n2FH6WX another @PaperJS sketch on @CodePen
— Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks) September 24, 2014Spreadsheet in under 30 lines of vanilla JS
An excel-like app in less than 30 lines of JavaScript, no library used http://t.co/BswRFCYAoD
— Príomh Ó hÚigínn (@alertdebug) October 6, 2014Douglas Crockford: The Better Parts - JSConfUY 2014
Douglas Crockford: The Better Parts #JavaScript https://t.co/ruzon5YaYG
— Germán Robledo (@germanrcuriel) October 5, 2014